Friday, November 7, 2014

March Madness *March 2014*

I made this note on March 1st:

"Over the last week or so Elese has been confessing random and often silly things to me. She's been saying she is nervous. Then she will tell me something like, that her friend tried to change in front of her so she left the room. Then she would say that she thought telling me would make her feel better. But it wouldn't. Today she broke down crying. She has been thinking that Caitlin is dumb or a girl from her acting class is fat. She said, "I don't really think that. It's not true. It just comes to my mind." I talked about that some people are fat and some people aren't as smart as her. It is ok to notice that. It is not ok to be mean to them because of it. I'm very worried about her. I love her so much. She really has opened up to me. It's been very nice but I don't like that this is happening to her. Steven gave her a blessing and encouraged her to say a prayer and she seems to be doing a little better. I am going to try to get her to an energy healer. :( my sweet baby girl."

Since then I have spoken with Jenny over the phone and she has helped Elese and we also saw Jen. Jen is a Kinesiologist and both of those things have really helped. She has become her normal silly self. There were some really spiritual experiences in regards to this healing that I wrote about in my journal.

In March we started shopping for my moms bathroom and I discovered my dream fridge.
Steven got a type 1 hair cut. He had recently met with Carol Tuttle about possibly doing a TV show with her and she typed him. I was thankful because I was completely wrong.
Max loved his sister.
Olivia will eat anything and everything that is left on the floor. She requires lots of close watching but she sure is cute to watch.
Sam will not be shown up by his little sister. Look, he can stick out his tongue too.
On March 5th Olivia started clapping. The first time was at 4:30 in the morning when I changed her. Elese is always clapping when they play so I think she must have learned from her. Sam was clapping with her and smiling. Then he said, "Baby so cute, mom!" Around this time he would also get upset if anyone would talk to Olivia and say, "No, my Baby!"

Sam's last day of preschool was on March 19th.
 Also, anytime Sam eats something he likes he says, "Yummy! Healthy!" This is always in reference to cookies or candy.  We began potty training Sam for about at the beginning of March. He wasn't a fan. We had one pack of diapers left and hid them. When he'd go down for a nap or bed one would magically appear in his room. Then he'd get so excited and shout "mommy last one!" He love discovering that he had a diaper left. Then he would almost immediately poop in it. It was a bit of a fight in the beginning but by the end of March he was doing pretty well. It took about a week and a half to have our first success but it was #1 and #2 in the same day!  At this point (March 27th) he has maybe one or two accidents a day (usually poop).  He wears pull-ups to bed and in public. Sunday (March 23rd) Steven had a shoot at the aquarium before it had even opened to the public. Max was super excited to rub it in his friends faces that he got to go before it was even opened. The kids loved their maps.
There was a fun bridge to go across.
There was also a super cool tunnel...
We also ran into Phil and Shawna who teased us about not being at church. Sam kept needing to go potty but was uncomfortable on the big toilet. He kept asking me to hold him. When we got in the car he peed in his pullup and started crying.  He had tried so hard not to pee. Occasionally he won't want to wear underwear and he will say "Me sleep with penis". Funny boy. I'm so proud of him and his progress.
Sam loves spending time with PaPa when I go help at the school. Olivia decided to wake up and join the fun.
It was still pretty cold outside but Sam had his crown and pockets to keep him warm.
Elese played with Sam in his new car that my friend dawn was getting rid of.
(That's Pete's (our contractor) truck in the driveway).
There was lots happening with our basement. First they had to jack hammer out an extra layer of concrete and them some more too because the pipes needed some work.

Then there was the framing...
After seeeing how small the windows looked I got everyone to see what I was seeing before we even started the remodel. We needed a bigger window. I tried not to rub it in too much. So then there was the big hole that Pete dug by hand so we could get a new larger window.
And then we had a big pile of dirt that has slowly gotten smaller but there is still some there to this day (11/7/14). Sam likes to play in it.

And then the window was put in.
On March 31st Sam had his last day of speech therapy with Ms. Lara and he kicked the final tests butt and is too smart to continue in the program. That's my boy. (love Ms. Lara btw)

One day while driving around I was a bus with a sign on it about the Healthy Lifestyle expo.  I had made a goal to spend an hour or two on my own every Saturday (I need to start that again), so on that Saturday I went to the expo. That's where I scheduled my first appointment with my Chiropractor Loren Grover. It's been a great experience for me. It's been quite costly but I've always felt very at peace about spending the money on treatments and I feel like they are helping me.  This was also where I first experienced Reiki.  It's pretty cool but I think I like other forms of energy work better.

Later that day Olivia pulled herself up for the first time in the most dangerous of places.

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