Saturday, August 1, 2015

Super Cute Kids in April 2014

Max decided that he wanted to become an sales man.  He and his friends started gathering up old McDonald's toys and had a Toy Sale.  After a day or two of this they got a few dollars.  Then our neighbor brought over a bunch of stuff she was going to take to the DI.  I don't think he ended up selling anything but he did keep some of the things that she brought by.  Even though we ended up with more toys than I started with I think it was a good experience for Max.  
Sam has been very bad about sleeping. He's refusing naps and not going to sleep at night. He just gets out of bed over and over. Yesterday as I was putting Sam back in bed for the umpteenth time I heard laughter. Olivia could see out through the crack in the door. She had also pulled herself up in bed. She was so happy and so proud.
While playing with Sam on April 22nd he said, "Mom, your back hurt?" My answer was no. It was sad that he's gotten so used to me saying that I needed to stop playing because my back hurts. It's nice that it's no longer something that keeps me from  playing with him. 

April 23rd: Sam found an old chooks. He was so proud that he got out of bed (like everyday) an showed it to me. I took it away. He snuck out, got it back and slept with it. It was in his room when Liv, who has never been interested in them, decide to try and eat it. Not suck on it but eat it. Then Sam said, "no Liv. Don't eat it. It yuckly." I think he doesn't want to share.
 Also on April 23rd Olivia got herself in a bit of a predicament.  
Steven had been working very hard on the Geek Report.  One day he posted this photo on facebook.  When Sam saw it he said, "That one evil daddy. Green shirt nice daddy."
Sam developed of love of birds. He would see them and start chasing them while shouting, Sam: "me want catch a bird".
On Saturday April 26th I got a text that Max was supposed to give a talk in primary. I asked him about it and he said, "Don't worry mom, I got it all planned out." Me: "Ok, what are you going to talk about?"  Max: "I'm just going to think things up while I'm talking." While I was very impressed with his confidence I suggested that he take some time to think about it now and write some notes.  

Sam's new favorite phrase "I want do it myself."

Max played a spring session of baseball.  It was through Sandy Rec Center.  I wasn't very impressed.  They never had practices so he wasn't able to improve and his coach wasn't at lots of the games.  It was nice that the games were at a park and the diamond was right next to the playground so Elese and Sam would play on the playground while Olivia and I would watch them play.  I can't remember why but Steven didn't make it to many of the games...I think they were earlier in the evening or maybe on Wednesday nights when he was at scouts.   

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