Wednesday, October 14, 2015

A New Calling for Me *May 13th, 2014*

While Steven was on his cruise I was called into the bishops office.  I knew they were likely looking for a new choir director and Primary chorister so I was totally shocked when he extended the call of Primary President.  I told him my only concern was that my mom would be moving in and I wasn't sure how she would do in RS by herself. 

So, there I was, with Steven on a cruise, difficult to reach, trying to come to terms with this big calling.  I immediately felt strongly that I wanted the focus as a presidency to be on helping the children know, recognize, and understand testimonies.  This has been our focus now for almost a year and a half and we've had many great sharing times where the children have shared their testimonies. 

After prayerful consideration I requested Anna Madry and Nannette Miller as my councilors and Melissa Haslam as my secritary.  Since then Nan has been called as the Stake Primary President and now Becky Stoddard is my first councilor. 

I shared the news with Steven via facebook chat because it was really the only way I had to contact him.  The bishop also released him as Scout Master but requested that he continue helping and training the new scout master up through summer camp.  Shortly after summer camp Steven was called as the Elder's Quorum secretary. 

I was sustained on May 25th and my first week acting as Primary president was June 1st. June 1st was also the last day of the 48 hour film project.  It made for a busy weekend. 

As a presidency we noticed right away that the children were really reverent.  So reverent that they almost seemed afraid to speak.  That's when we pulled out Robbie Reverent as a guide for them to know when they should sit totally still and when it was ok to raise their hand or even speak out. 

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