Saturday, September 10, 2016

July 2014

July 4th 2014

I did a bunch of freezer cooking for 7 hours and Steven helped, it was fun working together in the kitchen.  Steven and Max went to see Spider-Man.  Liv and Sam took good naps and Elese kept herself entertained reading and playing on the kindle.  Evan and Crystal got in town and we want to dinner with them, mom, and Blake at training table.  Steven and Evan picked up some fire works.
 Penrods did some airel ones and Liv was so cute. 
 It was a good time. Evan laid down and looked up at a sparkler that he was holding above his head. I called it the "poor mans firework show". Sam went inside and watched from grandmas window while eating a Popsicle. He kept closing and opening the blinds.
 July 5th
Steven had a panel at Fantast Con for the Geek Report so we went with. 
The kids were pretty well behaved during it but Olivia decided to crawl up to the front of the room and try to go to sleep. 
While I was looking for a costume for Elese I found her old princess one from her first Halloween. Despite the label saying it was for 3-6 months it fit Liv perfectly and she was so cute in it. Several fantasy con weirdos were enamored with her. 
Sam and Elese met a mermaid. Sam was pretty impressed.
The kids all tried archery. Sam was very cute. It was a little tricky for him but he loved it and would cheer for himself and smile big. 
 We saw awesome fire dancers. One lady had a hula hoop and swang it around with her feet. After we got home (exhausted) we discovered it was the awards for fantasy express. A film comp Steven entered. We went to Sottobello for a free dinner with our 48 hour prize. I got Penna Cotta and it was amazing!! We had incorrect info but fortunately Steven thought we should check a different room. That's where we found out that he won best writing, best use of elements and 2nd overall. Then we went on stage at the awards and saw a magician and stuff. Steven was ready to go. We picked up a movie on the way home and watched that. It was a fun day/night.

July 8th

Olivia has started nodding and shaking her head. It is very cute, especially because she hasn't quite figured out which one means yes and which one means no.
July 9th
I was working on a photo book for my mom to help her transition into moving in with us.  We needed some updated pictures of the kids so we stopped by Steven's office and his friend Derick took some.
We have cute kids if I do say so myself.
July 17th

Liv is starting to talk. She says "cheese" and often throws other food on the ground, points to the fridge and says "cheese". She also points and says "dis" (this). We've also heard things that seem to be "please" and "Elese". She also loves her daddy.
We went on a family hike at the temple quarry.

July 18th
Liv woke up from her nap. I said, "I think it will be a pajama day." Then she pointed to her changing table. I went to change her but she was dry. I picked her up. She whined and pointed to the clothes in her clothes basket. I handed her a shirt. She smiled and put it on her changing table and then pointed to the changing table. I started to dress her and she smiled and laughed. Once I got the shirt on she started waving her hands, smiling and clapping.
July 21st
We went as a family to 7 peaks.  
July 23rd
Sam took this picture of the pictures on his wall. Liz at the chiropractor prints pictures for him to color and he hangs then on his wall. Sam likes to have "movie rests" which is fine with me because he falls asleep 9 times out of 10. He likes to watch cars "lightning a awesome move. Me like the awesome movie." Today we colored angry, frustrated, sad and tore them up. Then we drew happy and hung it on his wall.
July 24th
24th - I went to my first hot yoga. Steven did lots of weeding. We all hug out at his parents while Steven fixed their swamp cooler. My mom went with Spence to lunch. Then she came with us to the splash pad and Cancun Cafe. Heading home to put teh kids to bed nice and early. Steven and I want a quiet restful evening. We both got a good workout today in hot environments.
July 20th
I spoke in church on Sunday with my new primary presidency. We were also informed that our stake/ward boundaries will be changing. We have a special sacrament meeting on Sunday and a meeting with the stake at 2:00. We are sad to possibly be separated from our friends on Sunday's
 July 27th
Our ward/stake boundaries are changing today. Up until this morning I’ve had a pretty positive attitude about it. I’ve felt confident that it won’t be a huge change and that the friendships that I already have in place will last. When I woke up this morning I was sad and realized that no matter who I loose there will be something that I love and miss about them. I’m glad I have had the opportunity to build the relataionships I have through my callings – Women at the Well – family history – and RS activities – and food group.
Last night Steven wanted to invite a few friends over for a BBQ but I suggested that we have a pre-split banana-split party instead and invite everyone (or at least those that we are friends with on facebook). So we did. It was a really good turn out and just a fun evening to celebrate our friendships. Sam kept following Abbie Stoddard around like a puppy. I asked him if he played with her and this was his response – “No – her just keep running away. I chassin’ her.” I love him. We talked about it again and how she is in nursery with her he said “She no sit down. I just chase her.” I think he may have his first crush and it’s fine with me. She is adorable!!!
Olivia is officially done nursing. It’s actually been a couple of weeks but I’ve had some engorgement and had a mastitis infection brewing but with some pumping and hot compress this week I think that I am officially done nursing.
Sam has regressed a bit with potty training. He was pee trained and even pooped a few times the beginning of June – even at the cabin but that changed when we got home. He’s also had a couple spouts of diarrhea which makes me want to just put him in pull-ups to avoid the clean up. He’s starting pre-school at Miss Natalee’s. He doesn’t really want to but I think it will be good for him and he will warm up to it.
Max is enjoying time just playing with friends. He’s still obsessed with Minecraft. He’s turning into a pre-teen and gets pretty stinky pretty fast. He’s still very sensitive. 
Elese loves playing with friends as well. She still enjoys making books and painting. She loved her art class with Miss Natalee and loves helping others. Last night the missionaries kept walking by our party and she wanted to invite them so we did. She also always wants to take cookies to the new families in our ward.
Steven has started going the the movies with some of the guys in the ward and has developed some great friendships. I’ve done this as well with Vampire diaries night with Sheila (she’s moved though) Jennie and Crystal. As well as Batchelor with Nan Katie and Jennie. And of course Walking dead with the Love’s and the Stoddards and this season with Dwayne Madry as well. My primary presidency is fantastic and I really hope that we stay intact with the changes today. (Nan – Anna – Melissa Haslem).
July 31st
Max went in a hike with the weblos today. He got scared by a snake an fell down the mountain about 5 feet. He hit his head on a rock. He's getting stitches (probably 2 layers) it's deep. He said he practiced math facts on the way home to make sure he didn't have any brain damage. Love this boy. He's pretty banged up. We were supposed to be leaving for goblon valley but we are currently slightly delayed.

 We eventually made it to Goblin Valley.  I can't seem to find any notes about this trip. We got there after dark and stayed in a Yurt with Darren and his family and some friends they had staying with them.  Getting a baby to sleep in a communal sleeping space is awkward but we eventually got it to work.

Because this trip went into August I am still going to write about it here for lack of confusion.  :)  The next morning we ran and played and Steven filmed.  There was hide & seek and a crazy adventurous hike led by Darren.  Fun and exhaustion was had by all.


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